Tuesday 4 March 2008

My week with Hilda and Natalie

Hello Dundee! Today we publish a text that almost has´nt been moderated so that you can see how a Swedish pupil writes. Now, Hilda is not the average student, she is really good at English/Mrs Ulvelid.

This week I have felt like a king, and now you will find out why…

In Monday we go home after school and it was nice weather! We decided to have a picnic. We going home to Natalie and find sum biscuits, cookies and lemonade, and they call it “saft”! We go home to Hilda, five houses away and take a basket and a blanket. Then we go up to a small mountain back Hilda’s house. We find a good place to have our picnic on!

Before... I want to eat all the good things!

After… Take me away!

After the evening we drink sum fruit drink.

On Tuesday morning we go to the school and it whas cold! So I borrow a cap.
In the school we have a usual day. We have Swedish and I learn to say “köttben” (meat bone) and “tankbil” (tank truck)! After school I go home to
Hilda’s mum and Natalie goes another way. So she doesn’t go with us. When
we were home Hilda does her homework and I look at TV. When Hilda was ready she looks at TV with me. We look at “The Simpson’s”! Then I went to bed.

On Wednesday it was cold! I go to the school and it reining! So I have my new cap and I be not whet! This was a really funny day! Because first we have English! At last I understand something! Then we have music, and I was with Hilda and play trumpet! It sounds funny! We have break and everything was usually. We eat steak, pasta and carrot sauce. On afternoon we have P.E. we have boxing.
Then Hilda, Natalie and I go home to Hilda and Hilda takes hers handball clothes on her. I and Natalie play with Hilda’s hand- and foot-balls.

On Thursday we go to the school as usual. We have math and break. Then we have English! I learn the kids ho to say Ester! They call it “påsk”!
We eat chicken soap and then we have afternoon break. Then we have history and we play a theatre about the Viking age… they was wery good! Then we go home to Natalie. I wanted to go out! But it was raining… I sit in Natalie’s window and dream about the sun was shining! But later I and Natalie go and put on taekwondo clothes and Natalie and I go to the club house.

On Friday we have music again! So I sit with Natalie and the other clarinets this time. Bus now everybody was in the same room! So I heard weary many instrument at the same time! Then we have Swedish and finished up things. We have craft. I was with Natalie and have hand craft and Hilda has wood craft. Natalie does a worm in fabric. Then I go home to Hilda but Natalie has Persian studies and Natalie came after. It was just one little secret… I have practiced to play the piano the whole week and now I shall play for all the cuddly toys and I take my hat and sun-glasses on me!

Then I sleep in Hilda’s house. Next day Hilda was sick…L I was home the hold looong weekend and take care of Hilda. But I was Hilda’s doctor and have a doctor-bag with many strange things.

Now you know why I felt like a king this week! Now I shall have a nice next week with Liv and Ida B!
Bye bye!

1 comment:

High School Dundee said...

Wow what a wonderful story and you play the trumpet. So do I! What is your favourite piece? I like playing lots of music and have no real favourite.

Mrs Tonner