Tuesday 13 November 2007

Answers and questions from Sweden

Hello everyone in L6a!!!
At halloween we dress up as scary things as ghosts, vampires, witches and more just like you.We knock on other families doors and says "bus eller godis". That means trick or treat in Swedish. We do not have to do any tricks to get candy. That is a part of the tradition we have missed.

We put ligths on the graves because we think that on All Hallows Eve the dead leave their graves to say hi and it is important that they find their way back. We do not want them to wander around other evenings of the year.

Here is some typical Swedish food:

Breakfast (frukost): We eat bread with cheese or ham (and some other stuff that is hard to explain). We drink milk or juice. A lot of people eat yoghurt and cereals.

Lunch (lunch) We eat cooked lunch in school everyday. Sometimes we get fish and potatoes with a sauce and vegetables.

Dinner at home (middag) could be meatballs and mashed potatoes with sauce and lingonberry jam.

You will hear more about this following Whisky´s adventures.

Our Autumn holiday is for one week, always week 44 when it is All Hallows Eve on the Friday that week.

Summer Holiday is for ten weeks, from middle of june to the end of August.


This was written by Sofia, Pontus, Sarah and Hugo M. At the computer Mrs Ulvelid

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting to read about Swedish Hallowe'en traditions. I hope Wisky is well wrapped up especially because you had snow for the first time. It was very cold today in Dundee - however no snow yet. We will let you know when Halga first sees snow in Dundee. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday. What did Whisky do during the holiday?