Tuesday 11 December 2007

Halge at the remembrance day parade

On Friday 9th November 2007 The High School of Dundee held their Remembrance Day Parade. Halge sat and watched the parade from the classroom window. This is what he saw: The cadets marched on, followed by the pipes and drums and Halge loved the sight even altghough he was watching from a distance. The cadets were all lined up and the Sergent Major gave an order for the colours to be presented. The Pipe Band then played Highland Cathedral. A poppy reef was presented by Alice Burnet and Duncan Leese and the head boy and girl. There was a two minute to allow us all time to think about the many people who gave their lives in the first and second world wars. It is also a time to think about other wars being fought today. The minister said a prayor. The Sergent Major dismised all of the pipes and drums and the cadets. All of the other High School pupils quietly walked back to their classrooms.Lots of people wore a poppy as a mark of respect. In 1918 gun shots died down in Belgum France and Germany marking the end of the First World War. After four years of fighiting more than 20 million men and woman were dead. World War Two began on the ist September 1939 . World WarTwo was the most blood sheading war ever and a tough war for the United Kingdom.

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